Tsai, Kim

Kim Tsai, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Child and Adolescent Development
Lurie College of Education


Preferred: kim.tsai@flcoastline.com


Preferred: 408-924-3741


Doctor of Philosophy, Developmental Psychology, UCLA

Master of Arts, Developmental Psychology, UCLA

Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, University of California Santa Cruz


My program of research centers on family influences on adolescent psychosocial adjustment and health. My two intersecting areas of research include (1) examining how cultural values contribute uniquely to family dynamics for adolescents from ethnic minority and immigrant families and (2) investigating cultural and familial factors that impact adolescent emotional well-being and health, particularly their sleep. To address my research aims, I utilize survey, daily experience sampling and longitudinal designs in my studies with adolescents and their parents from diverse backgrounds. A list of my publications can be found here.